Per-Gaussian Embedding-Based Deformation for Deformable 3D Gaussian Splatting

Jeongmin Bae1*, Seoha Kim1*, Youngsik Yun1, Hahyun Lee2, Gun Bang2, Youngjung Uh1
1 Yonsei University, 2 Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute

ECCV 2024

Existing field-based approaches are constrained by the resolution of the grid which models the deformation field, the capacity of the model, or the frequencies of the input. As a result, the existing study does not properly represent complex dynamic scenes (left), and even introducing an additional feature grid that is twice the maximum resolution has only a slight improvement in performance (middle). Instead of using field representation, our model solves this problem by employing per-Gaussian latent embeddings to predict deformation for each Gaussian and achieves a clearer representation of dynamic motion (right).


As 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) provides fast and high-quality novel view synthesis, it is a natural extension to deform a canonical 3DGS to multiple frames for representing a dynamic scene. However, previous works fail to accurately reconstruct complex dynamic scenes. We attribute the failure to the design of the deformation field, which is built as a coordinate-based function. This approach is problematic because 3DGS is a mixture of multiple fields centered at the Gaussians, not just a single coordinate-based framework. To resolve this problem, we define the deformation as a function of per-Gaussian embeddings and temporal embeddings. Moreover, we decompose deformations as coarse and fine deformations to model slow and fast movements, respectively. Also, we introduce a local smoothness regularization for per-Gaussian embedding to improve the details in dynamic regions.


Rendered Results

Existing coordinate-based network methods struggle to represent complex dynamic scenes. To this end, we define per-Gaussian deformation.

(a) Firstly, we assign a latent embedding for each Gaussian. Additionally, we introduce coarse and fine temporal embeddings to represent the slow and fast state of the dynamic scene.
(b) By employing two decoders that take per-Gaussian latent embeddings along with coarse and fine temporal embeddings as input, we estimate slow or large changes and fast or detailed changes to model the final deformation, respectively.
(c) Finally, we introduce a local smoothness regularization so that the embeddings of neighboring Gaussians are similar.

Rendered Results

We show the rendered results on three datasets:
Neural 3D Video, Technicolor Light Field, and HyperNeRF.

Rendered Results

Our approach achieves high-quality rendering while effectively modeling complex dynamic changes. Refer to the paper for the entire results of all baselines.

Put the mouse cursor to the videos below to zoom in.

Results on Neural 3D Video Dataset

Results on Technicolor Light Field Dataset

Results on HyperNeRF Dataset


Visualization of the deformation components

Our corse-fine deformation consists of two decoders, each in charge of coarse and fine deformation. The video above is the result of rendering each deformation removed from the trained model.

(a) When both deformations are removed, rendering yields an image in canonical space.
(b) Coarse deformation handles large or slow changes, producing results similar to the full rendering.
(c) Fine deformation handles fast or detailed changes, yielding rendering similar to canonical space.
(d) Rendering results come from applying both coarse and fine deformations to the canonical space.

Visualization of the magnitude of deformation

We visualize the magnitude of position changes in the deformation of Gaussian parameters. Coarse deformation (blue) captures large and slow changes, such as the movement of the head and torso, while fine deformation (red) is responsible for fast and detailed changes of arms, tongs, shadows, etc.